a beautiful thought is a thing divine

I thank thee, friend, for the beautiful thought
That in words well chosen thou gavest to me,
Deep in the life of my soul it has wrought
With its own rare essence to ever imbue me,
To gleam like a star over devious ways,
To bloom like a flower on the drearest days­
Better such gift from thee to me
Than gold of the hills or pearls of the sea.

For the luster of jewels and gold may depart,
And they have in them no life of the giver,
But this gracious gift from thy heart to my heart
Shall witness to me of thy love forever;
Yea, it shall always abide with me
As a part of my immortality;
For a beautiful thought is a thing divine,
So I thank thee, oh, friend, for this gift of thine.

—Lucy Maud Montgomery, “Gratitude”

Dear Friends,

Once a year, about this time, we send out a reminder that our work in the world is supported, in part, by gifts from people who appreciate what we do and why we exist as a company. As SteinerBooks/ Anthroposophic Press we are an independent, non-profit publisher with a fairly well-established presence in the world, whose mission is and has always been to both broaden and deepen the public understanding of the work of Rudolf Steiner. (You can read a bit about our history here.)

Thus we are uncompromising in our presentation of Rudolf Steiner—of biodynamic agriculture, anthroposophic medicine, Waldorf education, of everything practical and healing arising from anthroposophic spiritual science—to the world at large as good, because we believe this to be so. Steiner’s words, and the fruits of his lifetime of spiritual labors, speak for themselves. At the very least, these words, and his lifetime of consistent spiritual intentions, are worthy of serious, unprejudiced consideration. In the English language, the books we publish and distribute provide the basis for this consideration.

The poem above, curiously enough, is an apt expression of my own gratitude to the works and words of Rudolf Steiner, and perhaps this is so for others as well.

At the present time, the heart of our mission as a publisher is the work of completing The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner in English in a uniform series for both ours and future generations. This endeavor, begun by my predecessors and late colleagues Gene Gollogly and Christopher Bamford, is ongoing, and it will be completed. It will be completed, that is, with assistance from those who share our conviction that this is work that the world needs.

If that is you, and you are able, we thank you for your support! If you have questions about why we ask for support, or anything else to do with our work, please do get in touch.

Of course, buying our books also helps our mission! And we appreciate it greatly, as well as your kind thoughts, well-wishes, and often-valuable suggestions.

With warmest greetings of light, life, and fortitude,

—John-Scott Legg

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